Raven’s Theoretical Construct of Potato Relaxation

Alarura looked down at Raven; her black pony tail shining in the brilliant daylight, breeze fondling it softly around her neck.

“Why are you peeling potatoes?”

Raven looked round calmly making eye contact with Alarura’s knees, before looking up to her face “Pardon?”

“You’re peeling potatoes, isn’t that the crews job?”

Raven smiled. “I like it”

Alarura gave her a confused look.

“What’d you mean you enjoy peeling potatoes?”

“Here” Raven passed her a knife and an unpeeled potato, she then raised her hand in front if her. A globe of water floated up from the bowl next to her, and stopped in the air just above the ground in front of Alarura. Raven’s eyes beginning to glow blue with that tell tale sign of magic.

Alarura looked skeptical but sat and took the two objects.

“You see” Raven began “a potato is simple.”

Alarura held the knife cack-handed and seemed not to know how to place it. She frowned frustratedly at the vegetable, feeling Raven’s gaze over her shoulder.

Raven sighed and held up her own potato. She dipped it in her own globe of water and then placed the knife on the potato to indicate Alarura should do the same.

“It’s plain and unquestioning. The potato never wants you to worry about in coming empire soldiers to arrest you for smuggling, it never worries you with tales of demons and Angels, or lost worlds or vampires. It’s just a potato. You place the knife, you pull it back, the skin comes off. Repeat until said potato is clean.”

Alarura stared at the potato for a moment. “I get that I guess… It’s…” she trailed off.

“A nice, quiet task, no thought. Relaxing.” Raven finished for her, happiness playing at the corners of her lips.

Alarura scoffed, but she did not move. She watched Raven peel a few more times, then placed her own knife on to the potato.

The two faded into silence, only the sound of knives carving vegetable between them. A soft breeze caressed their warm faces as they worked at their tubas in the sun’s heat.

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